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Directorship Services

The law firm provides directorship services to private companies both local and foreign that wish to have a resident director in compliance with the legal requirements of the Office of the Registrar General.
It is a legal requirement under the Rwandan company law, for business persons incorporating a new limited liability company to appoint a resident director who may either be a Rwandan citizen or a foreign national with a valid residency permit. Appointment of a resident director helps to increase the probability of timely corporate bank account approval, employee visa approvals and obtaining specific government licenses.
The law firm provides professional, passive nominee director services should our Clients have difficulties in finding a resident director. Our appointed director will merely be the resident director of the company in order to fulfill the local statutory requirements and will not play an active role in our Client’s business. Our Client will solely be responsible for daily business activities and for corporate bank account activity.
For the terms of engagement regarding the appointment, the law firm and our Client will sign a legal contract outlining terms and conditions and limitations of the resident director appointment.